"Promising game, with many open game mechanics, allowing total freedom in the player's strategic choices. The number of units present simultaneously on the battlefield is impressive, without impacting performance. It is a game that will appeal to players looking for a game combining strategy, construction, and third-person shooting."DartanyovichSteam
"A promising game made by a small studio that seems ambitious and eager to do well. For an early access game, there is already a lot to do and explore. It's not just about shooting waves of constantly arriving enemies. You must also and above all put in place a strategy to attack on different fronts, consolidate your bases and outposts in order to take control of crystals to have income to buy troops and defenses. This is why the game already has a good depth of gameplay which is constantly improved by very regular updates. For my part, I really preferred to play it in multiplayer and play as the aliens for the feeling of freedom offered by this faction."DayraaSteam
"The developers are very active; they answer questions; When we report a bug, an update fixes it. They are also very open to suggestions. If you have an idea they like, they'll add it to the next update of the game. We really feel like we're participating in the development of the game!"Mr.HatSteam
"It is one of the only two RTS (another one is Lornsword) where we can play campaign mode with split-screen style (of course co-op, not 1p versus 2p), except Kingdom Two Crowns, Pikmin, Tower defense game like X-morph and Defense Grid 2."1345737307Steam